How long will it take to deliver my order?
Delivery time depends on the merchant, distance and weather conditions. On an average, our delivery time is within 45 min
What kind of payment options available?
We have multiple payment options Cash on Delivery, Online payment (Netbanking, UPI, Cards etc),
Can I cancel my order?
You may be able to cancel order before the order is confirmed by the merchant, once the order is confirmed you will not be able to cancel the order.
My order was cancelled, will i get a refund?
Yes, for cancelled orders you will get a full refund. However the refund process will take 3-5 working days.
I'm residing in a different timezone, so the restaurants are always shown as closed, how can i place order?
Overseas customers can use the schedule option. Click the clock icon at the top right corner, choose your delivery time.
I'm residing abroad / outside Tamilnadu, how do i place order for my Family / Friends residing in India?
Please click Edit Location --> Choose the delivery address as your India address(Address where you want food to be delivered) --> Now you can see the restaurants list and you can place order